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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  February 26, 2016 12:37am-1:37am PST

12:37 am
ee[ chndrs ala app]use la adiesennd gentlem, th seer meys! >> h: setd gooineveng! sei'm eyth maners isd th is "l niate "ght. w' hoers evy ybodg doinghtonit? ee[ chndrs ala app]use asfanttic. t incahat lese, get's tt tohe ne ws. e thcaos ars tres hindsu, ay h whics markofthe alfici o endf ac blstk himoory nth. [ htlauger ] th waere ots anreher icpublan tedebaig tonwhht, meich ans er the e ar tonly mhreeore re icpubleban d oatese n th duschele. i hjustthope eat'sh noug time g toomet ssie ininght heto t etsecrug thoofhts s thi coy, lelitthi orcd. la [ erught ] utellats wh'r youine th.king cn d n anmutelebondo arth c ried ghtonidet's , bateueso qnsstio we ddre aedresshe eitr r fo mr um. tr pp orelara bl diao. la [ erught a anduspplae ] do tnald -rumpna- doruld tmp sa esid yayterdt thaleif e, cted
12:38 am
on f the dirstf ay ohis pr enesidcy. t bu'sthaty okausbecaale heth icareees frre where we' all g.goin ug[ la ahterppnd ae laus] 'l it fl beine. fr heom we're henll s.d us lddonamp truay todle calrmd foer pu reanblicin nomitee mmnt roey a , dopehito womch rreney d,plie ha "t dnks, yude,e ou'rtypret es frurh yo."self ug[ la ]hter pr enesidamt obsta pon ed o li innkeday todut abo f his irst scjob ngoopi c ice.ream he he's tst firsi pre tdentsto po on ke lin odin, tther ohan,f ur coabse, m rahaedlinkin. ug[ la ]hter 'sthatht rig. guyou - ys -guyou llys a re desponrrd coy.ectl haabrankm li.edin ug[ la ]hter hn joic kas ah --pe proy r wato ho thnor moe mef ry o haabrankm li. edin fo bee re hshwas y ot b
12:39 am
ug[ la ]hter ki'llgeeep g ttine.wors [ htlauger ] ah ye. vei hahin't ct myngeilimy -- oo flt.r ye hi'vey it minceilg. ug[ la ]hter riall mght,g ovinon. abbut m rahaedlinkonin d- 't - jo ashn kyeich dasterdry add esse na doruld t rmp'st ecenarprimy ct vis oriesaand "iid, not's t at wh s the icore ts atirhe fst tequart'r, iats wh s the icores t atndhe eth of mee ga." ghthouth neineer oth of ose ma vttermuery hech wu'n yon re i mathe ngrchid. ban [ htlauger ] r aftedispenlmng aonost are ye in ce spatr, ast onaut scoty,kell rwilln eturarto eexth nekt we, e whers he ictexpeo ed terbe vy rp sud riselihow wttle e've lk taboed ahaut tt. la [ erught ] a walot ins go dg onheown re. dethe atmocratic nl iona itcommhatee uns la achedia socl di mempa ca taignt o ge pr enesidamt ob na toatomine a pl reenacemr t foicjustale scia wi heth tht has#fag, juand wst aoford ni warng, do gon't iogle imaget. la [ erught ]
12:40 am
woare d rrier afteaicertann brds s of cippyhaups tave s rted ow grmoing nsld ithide e ut mocehpieve val. e whilr othentparee s arheon tir ir thild chd. st juap scr oe itf ff iasit ttes y.funn ug[ la ]hter yo fu'reine. yo fu'reine. yo gu're toingveo li. ap [ seplau ] u' yoinre fe. legoogpu is g shinrafedel gu rerslatoal to thlow o em t d buil-dselfngrivis carouwitht ee st wrings,heel y andouou wld st thart r e causby p thinghis bu .tton ug[ la ahterppnd ae laus] d anllfina uy, ad niteinairles pa gessencer re antlyedccus ai e rlinoyemplofees ni opeerng h gg luanage ind urg atint in i r aftefoshe yeund sllows tain thand ele sm ul of oriner n he ngbelo.ings we itll, ik's leye th, sayyou ca spn't urell edinatho witut
12:41 am
[ htlauger ] la adiesennd gentlem h, wea ave gr sheat orow f t youhtonig! ch [ aeersppnd ae laus] e' shoms fr n theilew flom, "ndon fahas ,"llen w therfondeul laangese bass tt i therehtonig. ch [ aeersppnd ae laus] s he i therelko taut abo n thefl mb co hine,ofost e "th erichisen " showiron d, ectv erich iisens ck ba"l on niate "ght. ee[ chndrs ala app]use d anilwe wvel haic musm froa nd wol erfu wbandasho we hera ar ye. ago ermists wivernretu s to e "latt"nighs thiineveng. ch [ aeersppnd ae laus] bebut wforet e gehato titt, wh ll hiclary n intoand rn beanie s ldersd ocke tin aight nt cofoest e r thcrdemo atic nanomi, tionmethe hadia w s no edturnth to ese qu otionw f ho ersandf s, ierhe w be toe ecom nothe e,mineld wour fai in a rageneecl el, tionn givehis usstata as -dselfibescred de atmocrocic sstiali. fo rer moth on itis, im's tr e fo lo"a closer ok." ch [ aeersppnd ae laus] et>> sneh: oth of ste moab notle en trf ds ocathe gnmpaifa so r ha ens be s the iurgeppn suort
12:42 am
be srniersande. acin f nt, aolew pt l ou this fweek toundmohat oure yng te voairs seyd thld woue likto ha mve awieal erth bsanie s nder an thh witncbeyoe. la [ erught ] sh a oift,urf cothse, at ha aened bftere ernie stolthe lispotatght " ther supe bowl ha melftiw. sho" ug[ la ]hter in t, fact tha psamesuoll tsgges be 'srniepo supmort aoung yng te vos rs iigso h'sh hen eve su serpasesd prt idena.obam >> ac baramk obeda usbe to ir the mb nuneer oit poln,icia n andow it er's bsanie s.nder 's hen eve bdoner ette than am oba. ey thld wouhe rat tr --wohey uld vo orte fde sanrs. th ouey w llde ovto have a meal thwini bernde saers. >> h: setr pooa.obam g younlepeopd usehito te nk h sowas l. coo me i than, asis w i him08n 20. ch [ ]eers t >>-phreeerointgh, riert the. s >> aeth:ownd ns he'nscoedider clessthool hian ty.s gu ug[ la ahterppnd ae laus] s he iinplayskg balletbah wit ipenss n hietpock. ug[ la ]hter
12:43 am
'sthat p twos ointmefor ." t bu nit'susot jrnt be ie's pe alrsonthity une yoteg vors , like ait'shilso lis pol tica osphil.ophy in t tha psame "oll,sa58% w ci som alisheas tt mos mp coonassiecate iconomte sysm, to g ppintacapi."lism th aat'sor majft shiam in aneric po csliti. sh a thift asat he som co ernstivas ve finl ul ponican mo de. or>> mtee vorers ali feeheng t b >>haut wabt hiout cis sot alis s?view i >>nk this he'mothe st da oungernds cae idatinrunng. w>>n hed dicisoisalgom m fro y scarhito cc? ha>> we t th iheckins go?g on re>> fere evngythi. ee frle colfrge, aree cous, y me na it. 's he a gotia soc alistr nswefor it . >> h: sett' thaghs riret, fe rs ca. [ htlauger ] thbut ese qu itionhas, wndt kis f ofcaree anrs cex we fpectrom a ersandmis adranist?tion , welle maybuea cls liein iebernwn's oic cho e of moauto.bile >> t wha okindr f caoudo y tu ac hallyave? >> av i hsme a chall leevrot. i ite s onheof tll smachest evys
12:44 am
[ t lighuglaerht ] 's it e nota ven recar .ally mit'sofore co a s woterith do ors. la [ erught ] at thhe's tvy cheal equity. bu e t therconsvevatiak fre -out t abouiebernem's dtiocrac so iscialesm dostn't heop tre. it n evendexte hs tois ap anpearce. s >> akyfreasa as s ndern is oso lmanys evel m-- i hean,a e's ha rerdcoia soc, listinraisg xe ta 9s to0%. he f's a treakoko lo at. >> h: set's "here a fo ak t look ," ats sayguthe o y whs looklike he t atedaony nza. [ htlaugnder ala app]use t bu wthatt asn' tevenhe ll si riestioeact bn toe'ernis alsociism. th waere sos all bililo'rely, o whs knowtohow rr ove leactike no e onelse. y >>noou koow, l'mk, iei fleng. if ni bernde sageers lets e cted pr enesid'mt, iei fleng. i' inm go ig tondrela. >> h: setat i h be to ireak t to byou, bill,f ut ithyou ink anirellld wian be is oasm fro bethe srniersandeia soc list gh nie,tmar'r you fe in sor ahock be e causrein i, landde"stunts nopay ti tuit on ah irisegcolles
12:45 am
whand eaen h tringgihat yoves u a t hearckattan', dorrt woy, be e causrein i, landry"eveisone ti en ttledeeo fric baslt heah re ca." ch [ aeersppnd ae laus] onso catserv sivesheay tn'y dot ke lini berple's rmatfoau becse of i itst mpacaxon tes. t buhaif ttht's see caen, th os whx e tas planhedo tkey li? >> ni bera e's alsociist. anhe wo ts tthtax cke he o outf er ev tyonelpo he p theoor. d anp trumheis tit capt aliswho nt wa ls to tower taxeso en agcourowe grth. ub>> rctio ay ualla has tzeroax c onalapitom ince. i ite s th pmostroro-gfrwth om th erat ptispecve. >> c tedharuz grs a taeat x an pl. >> h: setth so arese e e ths plan erconsvevatikes li. whbut ouen yk looheat trem mo cl y,osely' thel d alh slas rngove smentinpendd g an give hu axge tak bre ts tohe we iealthmest ansrica. f in tact,ophe t o .1%rnf eaers wo seuld eie thcor inrimes y,se b 6%" undio rub% , 19r unde p,trum a andpp who29ing de% unr cr uz." cr puz'smilan asght l welbe ll caheed tdd, "ae mor tgoldo lddonamp truen's psethouan" pl. li [ laght erught ] at thct's ay ualle wher na doruld tivmp les. he ro sur hundslfimseh he ik's le e thondragm fro
12:46 am
t buquthe onestimos des cratseem to as be nkings ow iwowho uld ir fate bet ar iner genal el onectiin agaonst dtrald ump, nd saorers nt clion? ll wend, saaners umd trvep ha re alofady d ferer theiown op nsinioth on anat, eyd thh bot vseemeaery toger up go in agast ch eaer oth. >> re theld wouno be g thin more in wthis torldi hat d woul like-- akto t de ond onalp.trum wweldouea bhit ndm, awo we uld be imat hly bad. o >>ouh, w lld itoove run nsagairnt beie. [ rschee ] wo i lould - ve -uli wo od --h. la [ r ughe] at thld woua be m drea tcomerue. s >> teth: trump aalks bout inrunnaig agbenst srniersande wathe ay mytaunt ablks a out drichrtesse. la [ erught ] w! "a ! aw mthise!ouss" ap [ seplau ] bu rat a gace a sinstrsandeld wou nenot arcessbeily re a domam ce ue tr t for, rumpusbecapoe a ll la eest wunk foatd thle whi ll hibeary trats byump 10 nt poiers, bbenie hiats m by 16 oi ps.nt sthonewaly, ngtchim therun ag t ains oeach wther boulde
12:47 am
ul worod th hw ifste lo to iebern. me i tran, haump prs a e ivatjet wi isth he namt.on i rn beoeie d esn'tknven heow t otyper f cawnhe os. la [ erught ] j heknust itows he's tll smaest on e. w, nosh it bouldtee noe d th rageneecl el ption aollsist th t point don' vmeanmuery ch. st till, ahereigre shans t t at as lemet soer votens ar't ne arcesstuily ornedy ff b ersandems' dtiocracic som.alis fibut hrst,s e haetto gth to e pr y,imar h andcee fatos a ugh ro head aad. yo voung htersheave hlpedetim g fthisar. t bue thos ysame voungs oter co aluld osso ppre a m.oble er>> bsanie s nderbemay in givg ll hiclary n inton a ruhefor r mo riney noght utw, bco he uld on sofa be acingbl pro- em -a an>> m ty of chosegeolles kid goare benna di heautng o on ri spreng busak j mt as arch et>> shih: teas spolks v tumeso e thedunprbiicta olityisf th el onectile cyct thanda cae idat o whs look tlikewihis ll br eak.
12:48 am
bu rnt beasie hla a pn. he oi's go ng t hholdexis nt ll ra ay ator seng' fros. [ uglaerht ] this has been "a closer oklo." [ rschee a anduspplae ] we be'll ht rigk bac mwithore at "lghe nit!" ch [ aeersppnd ae laus] su se!!rpri!!! h weoueard y a j gots ob adea r!velope it cis offii woal, orrk f ge!! what? yeah ! ok ..ay. ysgu b, i'lline writnewg a la fnguagehior macnes neso plarains, tves, ehon s spitalworkcan te betr. oh ! isorry,ry was tto ping tut i.. away. t go on itthe cake. so 'r youg e goinkto woron a in tra ?no a tt on..rainra.on "tins"! reyou'on not gdena p stveloanuff ymore? no i am... do k youw no gwhat?e is y canayou sov i l? e it h o ilove t? y canayou s? hey ! hey ha ts t'spthe ! iritohoooo . o ooh oh h woo ooh oo wh h oo
12:49 am
o ooooh ooh. ve eitry lthtle ing. br thandon esinks bodst fo is n heave jarin a. th becat's oauseur in iegredments co.. from. fa cormers ittemmd to responsisobly d enbld dethwi grinienteds liagke cfre-ggee es. m. hmmn.eave al redi ingre.ents that's how we're working to in brthg out st.e be shopping for an suv? well, this is the time. and your ford dealer i splthe e,ac gto 0etfi% ncnag inr fo 60ntmo ohsfon a srduv. atth r'shtig jus. not
12:50 am
avare laaiwible 0thna% fiinncfog 60r th mons. fo uvrd s ds.neesigtod p heluyo u betonsleppab. onno wder ford is america's best llseg t burrhu 0y,fi% ncnaginfo 60r on msth on or fsud ivsas mi lid te otimeerff. yosee orur fald deoder tay. get 30% off every guest er evipy shn ie thricaeabbn bu hurrt ty,s ofhir fen'two last on lg co eeme sthk le royaca eanribb tbook aoday t 801-ro0-lcyaibaranbe. et meia the p dinanewethe ddst atoition oliveen'sgardch lunme duos nupa itired wyoh hour ce icunof milisoted ouplar sad arst atingjut $99 th k ofint i a qassauella di that fspeaksitluent nalia olive garden (d ahad) ee! grs,tinggh nei bor.igne bhboroy.(n boeighear) yo h, se we'r justgibrinoung yn r so.home he ll reavey lor s oulewiress ctdirecev re.iver
12:51 am
we tl setr e foe.cabl bu t t le rusayep you for your troubles. esfrlkh mi t forouhe j rneymeho? gh(nei wbor)vee liht rigre the. ) (dadedsaltts mea? (n boeigho r) nk thanyou. (d ) adtshahe tn! d(vo) bon'tsee a r,ttle a get00 $1ar rewrdd ca wh ouen ytc swi dh totvirec. ee[ chndrs ala app]use et>> selh: w bcometoack te "la t,nigher" evy,ybod p ande,leas
12:52 am
[ rschee a anduspplae ] pl g ayinc musiyofor l u alt nigh .long no f w, igoyou cht a , anceouif y lo aokedhet "t y newtiork mes" mthisngorniu , yohamay ve no d tice tthat -heircu- exe,se m soi'm irry,ld couwr be ong an atd thld couy onl omeanne th ing. it im's tr e fobu"ya "rnt! e we'va got oflot ic top s to lesizzou thrbugh, t t not a loof hoverisere b ther.urne le tut's n rn ogathe d s an load he .r up wh oooo-h!-hoo e' sht s hoy.toda rs fi, t uptilifeppme ameointnts. y,sorrth is heis tt bestoway n rusuthe e premt?cour o' whers eve onc hbeen wappyith th foeir r revesidecion? do t you yhinkfrour aneshmr yea ro teommast is thill edrillh wit hi mps liki bizttt taoo? [ t lighhtlauger ] si rndebud fret.durs ur>> durst bn. et >> so,h: alsle w whi e're
12:53 am
lelittgu leabae baseeall tm? ug[ la ]hter lw it alookays kes lif one oyou ou shd ld hol sup asaign ying owwindd s anngsidi. la [ erught ] t!burn" ke fate winnsr ta. llwe aw knodiyou gdn't o on tivacasoon, 't donw shoo up t rk woki looikng lu'e yore au onditifoing e r thmared n ou grp. gh[ liugt la ]hter n a tahein tme sumokr loods go. gl ofass er watm frot,flin ch mi.igan di[ au oence]ohs rei agt'e, it s not.righ la [ erught ] k thanfoyou rer ag weingmeith . th tat'soihe n wse id antetoyou .make gh[ liugt la ]hter wfaker inte, tansucas m yh asou tr ay to ivoidyat, "nt bur!" ca osolr pos. l alfuthe mn of marchssadne, bu stt inofead ke basl,tbals it' ibestunn soxid ming. al stso, elop y "lingd i ha!"that e th tonlyi ime twantaro he onsomelle ye"iing t had ahat"t an ar oscty parif is y' the re a im sw msuit aodelhend ter cama ot spons le dardoriicapo. [ t lighhtlauger ] bu met re, mber gwheninambl g on th cae osalrs, bwaysn et ok!blac
12:54 am
rsoscau , yobemay t wayoo it whute, b j yougoust t ifsigntlicanrky da'cer, "auseya rn but!" ne cew fa bbooknsutto. in it addtoion " the" like onbuttce, fa nbookffow oers ve seneral pew ty rs ofioeactn tt bu ions,dincluovng lade, s and gr any. rr souty, bon no oke lo ts athe pi e cturouof ygsr leth on e ac bed h anksthinan, thd k go th s ere'ova "lute" bnoton w. li [ laght erught ] abhow soout seme ubuful s,tton ke liai," w wt --reho a?" you and "y , ikeshayou otve nd age?"well ug[ la ]hter he acy, fk,ebooct reath to is, "y rna but!" ap lers yea! s.year u' yoikre le e thndcaleerar vsion of pe hers. au [ cediens ooh] l ifyeeap caars rome aanund y , less hwe'dtoave rt stali calng u yodad. au [ cediens ooh] dd saboer aadut dn thaesherp, ay ok. li [ laght erught ] so alru febs ary'adalree y thmost pr dengessith month of are ye, n' doket maan it ngy loer. he e y, w ahavetrn exy,a dare whe ldshoupu we ?t it w hot abouasthe d s enheof t rs wontt moh?
12:55 am
ap [ seplau ] hi 'stleris pen! la [ erught ] ac incord ng toesew rh,earclf ado tl hieper rdlorted y hanya ti, fo de prmed.enis inso tn y, i, factini th'sk it me ti " forsnthe ap!" >> s oh,nap! s >>iteth: hpeler's was nis so l, smal lea itsavst fbaorite ttle thwas lee batte of the.bulg h,>> op! sna >> h seth:r's itles peni was so al smenl, i wck it bamen ti to ll kit it buouit ct ldn' ifindt. li [ laght erught ] o >>nah, sp! >> h: h setr'itles s peni was so l,smals it'zea si ss. o >>nah, sp! >> h: setle hitper's wanis s so l,smalne it caver utme o of hi .ding >> h: setr' hitles s penisowas co iondite n thy d-darsinveion. [ htlauger ] >> s oh,nap! set >>ith: hs ler's penisowas ug[ lahter ] >> s oh,nap! >> h seth:s itler's wapeni s so al smt wal, ie s thalorigin limp zk biit. d >>duouble burst rn! s >> heth:r'itlenis peous, y're li , ttlereyou'l, evi " andya bu "rnt! ee[ chrs ] up t nexiogracosus hts.
12:56 am
n ruofout e. tim s look ylikel ou'l thavevio inte meti'm iut o. 'l we rl be bightwiack orth me at "lghe nit." [ rschee a anduspplae ] wh e y arthall eseoppeo le sepasle , t i'yem awaso?ke did u yoow yknr ouainbrha two s stsys?em lpone heep ys kewaou ake- hethe otlps r heslyou eep. iencscgge suheests w nu yove ihaomnsa,ni th ke se wam ysteouin y rn braiy maoobe ttr song d aneuyour nansmrotrrsittema re ain tooectiv ouas y t tryeeo slp, icwhulh coead be l ding ytoinour iasomn . ohh...maybe that'whs s at'enpreveting m om gfrngettile the seeep i n
12:57 am
fooulks, y't m can ake sthisp.tuff ufo anur bhodits crise a ps us aeithwar getay car. avbrr,o-niners in puof auit to riyota perus. ov. how hard is it to catch a prius? over. th tisng ihiacs tually pretty fast. over. ve frynyun. oh look, a farmer's market. s wegehould me ft sorslower focathe r. ye ah! hoy!ll . toyotas golet'la ps.ce ma t ke iina po t to kshops.ohl'.. isthrs thuday th ugromoh aynd..!.
12:58 am
mbmetaers n ke aa extr %!. anead trnplripoe tsin - no te matw r hopayou y! a get ew$5 rfoard r evy er0 10inpo.ts pl eus -onverytse ge ko$10 chl'sfoash r ev $5ery en0 spt! cayou rnn ea r andm edee rdrewains pondts al' kohs shcaou thrt ghoustthe ore! er thnoe's te betmer ti stoupign !... yo ananne c i -s t'icquk d an'sitas ey! en , roll asavetand srt ck rauping the inpoodts tay! ko .hl's en whnt laquim sea.cocrnds wiaig rlson a foready a youhelert t seco isnd his room , ready noya k hw whatmee becos? ea gropt pr! osals let' mortalke olover gf. great. ouhow aber tt ovs?enni bevenr.ette me ca gaerhang! readthe r y foeryou aly t, om. ji amm bepp and ae le hav comege too ther tismake h.tory ucintrodm ing ji appbeamle. ed pouric over d see anrved wi cthb solu ada nda esh frmolen wedge. to make a crisp refreshing be jim leam app an dad so.
12:59 am
morgood nninghieon, sbrning .ight morgood hningunger. od gong morni. stars odgoni mor pnge eoplo wh justftles. bar good morning gamers. go orod mngni moon. morgood mningngorni.
1:00 am
ee[ chndrs ala app]use s >> weth:meelcok, bac er evy.ybod fiour gurst toest t nighn is a r-oscananomi ted, ld goloen ginbe-w aningssctre. u yo hknowroer fr m heristarng ro inles ms file likt'"whaves lo togot wi do t,th iai" "w ttingo ex ,"hale " andsthow gellaerot h vegrook. bac" cayou e n seinher n herilew fm, on "lhadon lls fa wen," hhichits th rseatech mar. 4th s let' atakek. loo he>> t wre nascho teatonr hi ts. ne no. so inmeth tg ofmahis udgnitt e, i ytook tearsano pl w andd e ha .days >> wh so heat tn? w hoyodid tu do mhis,ike? >> he tony adly hge to rt itight on ce. y toda gtheyt ot it righmoway re
1:01 am
>> da mayayy, m mday,y.ayda s >> peth:e leasomwelc te tohe ow shel angssa baett. ee[ chndrs ala app]use >> h: set a howoure y? i >>re'm gthat, yoank u. s >> ieth:sot's de won trfulo e seheyou re. >> py hapbe to e. her et>> souh: yk lootibeauful. >> nk tha. you s >> ceth:atongrioulatn ns othe mo vie. vi oby,ouslca we e n se tfromhe he ptlicoheer titre, n 's aonacti .film >> hm mm-m. it que. it que. s >> deth:u o yoy enjo tyourime hin aopelicduter aringtin acon lm fi? >> , mmmari lethned dat iid no t. li [ laght erught ] >> h: set d youotid n. i >> n didot. >> h: set w nowyoere u tu ac -allyd - digoyou in up an ac htualopelicter? >> di we d. s >> yeth:idou d? >> ha we ald reic helrsoptet tha tleftrohe ganund osd thate th dn dith't, e at wedneede mor roconterl ov. s >> weth:dihen u d yo--
1:02 am
e quitsea cacl of roaustiaphob. >> h: set s oh, wo itt asn' even t aboug beinhein t. air juyou idst dlin't -ke - o,>> nng beilo encsed! >> h: set m oh,ody go.ness ea>> yh. ev n en istthe wudiothhen ey en edclos it. fo mer soso reahen, tily std l ha l toitock ck, lodo it sown, you co 'tuldn o getut. >> h: set, nowplyou heay td hea t ofeche sseret e rvichiin ts lm fi. t >>s hat't,righds liney. s >> aeth:etnd lju me elst tl u, yo a you fre astantactic aor, be e causllusuaouy, yld coun't ma t ke iheto td heaheof t cr seeret s iviceu f yodncoul't si at inic helr.opte ug[ la ]hter at thld woumi eli ynateroou fm e thjob. ah yewa, i o nt tecprote t th idpresent. i yneedo ou t iknow't can go in mato sooll rr ms ocohelis.pter gh[ liugt la ]hter d>> it idn'k thint abou.that dni dino't k.w it dni dino't k.w it s >> neth:ouow yw. kno 'sthaty ver.good ea>> yh. s >> ieth:nit's hace tu't yove ma t de i fthisn ar i lyourife th wihaout tvingceo far you coheli fpter.ears k>> inow. wai'm kes li'm, "iry sorys, gu. i' rrm solly fectow a bors,-ut - awaitut mine. er whthe's cke lo? shaveodomeb ty ateahe ready rdy a atimll tes. s asasoon y the'csay lut,'et me o outref he. ne i ired a." s >> weth:ow! >> zy cra. s >> teth:ishat th -- mat'sore te n nsio tthanishe ms.sile nd>> ay theedlookme at if as i re wezy cra. , like c"you ban'tr e fo."real et>> selh: woul, yw kno -what- i >>vet's eary rl.
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an w,d nono i kenw wh d youid "o uslymp f hasn"allewh -- ich, of rs cous e, ifithe ofrst se the mo -viesu - yo'tdidne havto de ital wauh clphstro, obia--but h,>> oat i sin behmed sog thin -like- >> h: setes a dikk, l.e me se hie, t ns is wice,opide en, it ea's bulutif. itbut i wasdincrehobly t, ri ght? di u d yo-do - u yotohad ot shoin durheg a at wa ve. o >>eah, yh. s weinhot ev shrt,epor ui loa.sian i'and som a rnuthel. gir fri'm ser petg,sbur or flida. >> ie aud wnce:oo! s >> yeth:noou kw. ut so.hern it ot's ht,, hoid humu , yo.know nobut hot erttha tshn verertpo. et>> shrh: soreveps t wathe eshottu't yoveve ed?r ha ea>> yh. s. ye wa i kes li'v, "it e goe to ba od gol girgoand he to iavenf ll heho is tttershhan porevert." [ htlauger ] >> h: sett' thaods go. 'sthatt whaayit sens wh you r enteveshre.port ot>> hthter elan hl. s >> ieth:t wanalto t yk toou ab onout te ofanhe mley ros yo ku're fnownor. bu u t yoedplaya tinerturn in fathe tintaslmc fica, osr mi nod nateitfor we as ll. ch [ aeersppnd ae laus] t >>s hat't.righ 'sthatht rig. s >> yeth:noou knyw, ae tim reyou'at crea ing accharyoter u oplayren sct'en iffs dit.icul whbut ouen yy plaonsomeo e wh tsexis w and-ho - ho>> wel's b.oved
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i istit intimidao ng t otaken a lrolethike at? wh ouen ye hav- to -, yeah.okay 'sthatr you" "yes, facet?righ ha>> trit's ght. 'sthatht rig. cr inlyedib. ani meer, ev hyoneeead b an to nc coexert mcepte. ha i ved neenr bea to ttinar urneerconct. >> h: set y didetou gha a ctonce hmeetn er iprthe s?oces es>> ydi, i d. rt soli of ooke bs.kend t i meather b thenieginng. i wowas g rkin twithhe eochorhegrapicr, m phaels,eter knyou whow, d o dithall e ch mijaael n cksoosvide, hr "tr"ille t andikhe le. d anouhe wavld h ie meeln hes s wa tlike 5his,h -incs,heel in doisg th. an e d sh'tdidng sin nice adballs. me i shan, s e wapistomng. et>> seah: yovh, mroed aund. s >>aphe hd penee to bin s loleangeams, c te tohe re sahearl. shand ese goic, "m, haelseplea, yo owu knt , ledoher it ba otrefo. t leleher itarn st fir." knyou beow, e causnoi'm oa br bdwayaby. s nor,ingece danctr, aor. so wa, i kes liai, "wmit a , nute heto tt, lefth to fte le t, tohe gh rit." yo owu kn? d an athene t th everyf nd othe ecprojhet, se camshand e ac lytuale camy to mletraiher, s mydid eu makp. s >> oeth:hah, w--t a >> ck knooning d the "oor,you ne nyed ap? hel neyou nyed ag?thin wecan - see-" e shliwas "gke, ayo aw." ani mee , sh ucamerop tha ugh me tire whe w sheseas u dd tooing
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rk wofiing hove s nws a, ightand jushe adst ht thac.ethi dishe ndn'taneed amy glm tea d.squa s >> oeth:hah, tfat's tintasc. ll we m, ithaust eeve bchn su an co acshmpli fmentouor yha to ve he prr apteecia p thermerfo.ance he>> sll reas.y wa coshe hauld eeve bgrn a eat ps loycho, gistusbecae e shd woul "say,laangest, juth do anat, d u' yoerre p.fect reyou'fe perct." [ t lighhtlauger ] et>> s'mh: ing goist to art do thing at. i' e ll b ptinacterfe? . oh >> h: set, nowouobvithsly ere e thlechalisnge 'r youaye pling so e meonexwho .ists yo bu'veoneen er "am hicanr orro y"stor, nowe thres.year yoand hu'veo ad t splayome st --uff ee[ chndrs ala app]use ithise s thsioppof te o so inmethatg th c youo an d re chsear o on,men "an ricaorhorr y.stor" usbeca -e ofgu- i twess o as sebaons owck nu , yoedplay a ma wothn wiee thras brets. th yoere .u go g >>.reat et>> seth: ga in lelittse clor, be uscai e elfeik lyoe reu' ss mi--ing 'sthat -- gh[ liugt la ]hter obso, slviouhay, tt's
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ar -ound- m >>m.m-hm imand e,aginob to ttaindehat ar ok lo t, it -akesth- i itink ok tout aboe fivmen. >> h: sete fivtomen -- >> j youhaust o ve tovget t,er i juand ayst lre the l andheet tm ve hair the. way gh[ liugt la ]hter ey tht wanaito pmant, urke se th loe co rr is oighte r th ec fr, kleshaor wr teve, elseyou kn ow? d an ltheythove eae cl avagerea. an wd itusas jket li -- >> h: sett tha-is - t >> ihawas orrd wk. >> h: set w andyohen enu th lk waroed aseund tht wiec a sond t seleof ce avag-- >> as i wusn't o ed t, thatyou yo obur rese doben't thaveayhe w oeit dths wi. one whand ouen yk loot abouseand e es thd e odesexprs sionheon t ew crac's fyoes, owu knet somhing ha ned gon. dow gh[ liugt la ]hter thsomehaing end opp.ed u et>> suth: b p youblroban'y dot ss mi it. yo pu'reblrobaryy vepy hap to ju o st g.back i >>s t wa hvery.eavy et>> seah: ykah, oy. yo sou alyo -- d u hao to dvea lo
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>> h: set, nowloany ceve si ne, d woulinimagase, h its arawkws,dnes d but ioingtht wi ntan itierna ponaltaop sikr, le, w hooudo yro appitach ? di u d yo -guysw - ho dmuchu o yo ta eflk banorehoud abw t horeyou' g goino to gt abouit? w >> oell,venly itry l ytle,ou ?know sh mee cal. to a. u yo, knowinshe d vitecathe st to h herome. asit wy ver.nice u yo, knowithad er cataled, l of th at. sh d e hacka rasw of itimsus. e shpohad ruredyeed dyo -- u ow knca, beituse a was bout mp va aireslond bod. >> h: sety verinfittg. ad>> me e th rpooled. knyou thow, inat k td of, hing wa i kes li -, oh- sh d e diit? sui'm t're ikes lit thathall e me ti. la [ erught ] washe kes lih,, "oh, yea va esmpirah, ye." us? reyou'ba proribly ght. uh . huh yobut owu knwa, i ilkedndn, a e sh ucame mp tod e anhashe d a lo dvely.ress knyou jeow, , welsyobut ulu cod thsee h rougit. ni hoce tng. th asat w it. an did a d-amonusencrted ne ceckla. wa i kes liha, "thot's u w yohost
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ug[ la ]hter ouif yla're agdy ga. d ansashe "sys, reo, a you rv ne"ous? d anidi sael, "wo l, n ttimeo li w.e no iyes," am. ani'm , gelareyou'a. gag weand a hadde won trful time,he rt pandy, aha it edppenbe to my bi ayrthdgu, au6tst 1weh, 1 at e thef nd opathe srty,he ghbrout t oukea ca. d ans,i wa!" "oh u yo, knowreyou' " so,thoh, at's so et sweyo of u." an yd aseyour etes sontle the tof er ocathe thke, e ey'r ch tearacthrs, e ey'ronpers s on cathe n ke isia po ttions hat' it quote eranic, u'd yoikre le, "a h!" [ t lighhtlauger ] >> h: setin agaer, evy.y da doshe haes tert evy.y da ug[ la ]hter wh r ethelepeop o areorver , not cthatcoake oumes t. i >>ats thht rig. idi sasa to parah n,ulsoai i sd, "w nell,haow tfot's ayrepl." li [ laght erught ] u yo?know et>> selh: whal, tfat's tintasc. w itd.orke goi'm toing rt stati gety ng m wi cfe aevake niery ght. [ htlaugnder ala app]use >> i but t hadt o ge--her oh! i but tohad h getacer bk. e sh mmaderve neous. i so t hadt o ge--her et>> sowh: h y didetou g her
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>> l, wel k you wnow,d e hae thes mysteane scends, are we' in el orevats. d an lit's gike,r o foit. weso, s're,seuppooudly r ch tearacurrs ora chas cterare g goinugthroesh thcae de ades,nd w wechere ngangith cloes. we su're edpposbe to in ff dit erentiposions. an wod i juuld onst thegue r wn dono -- ., no la [ erught ] s >> neth:o.o, n t don', stoplaange. ea g w>> i jould oust,h.h, o yo owu knst, ju i alllln, a in, st ju u all hp onaner, u d yo ow kncu -- t! an e d shedwalky awashand e ys sa'm, "iin havg ge anasla b'ssetty! bab" la [ erught ] >> h: setre the g youo! , wellreyou'gr so oneat t tha , showyoand usur h ibands a fa tintastoc ac wr asell. >> nk tha. you et>> souh: cy rtneanb. vce. an 'sd here cur pntlynglayi jo e hnniracoch "n inpethe ople rs ve.jus omp. si" son,heand is fa tintasc. h >> ke isngilli it. [ rschee a anduspplae ] >> h: set, now--how yo do u tc waath thw sho iwhenont's ? w >> iell,ch watt.ed i wh reat aup we e to,depisor? fou si'veeaeen pich e tsode hree s time.each [ t lighhtlauger ] >> h: setyo do tcu wa h it thtogeer? is -- it e >> wsodo, memetis. i' atve w ichedont al've, ie tc waithed h withim.
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la [ erught ] y anseexcuwa to hitch m. fa asntc.ti >> h: setl, wel b youdooth nt fac ouso yve're elry witl suored f t >> yhankou. et>> shah: tounk ymu so orch f re i aallycippreitate . t >> yhankorou fin hav.g me ee[ chndrs ala app]use s >> aeth:a ngeletbasst, ec cht k oudo"lons n haenfall" in th rseatert stamaing 4trch h. 'l we rl be bightwiack th ri isch een.
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on klyftraat nalurhe cees ha a s uctoofh hi pdelahilp a eacrchm seee, so ha wveteyor mau ,ke is re cieamr than ever. , hipti'm caviain ob ous.enwhrd i hea w there racas afoe idr presdeent i d tocide. run d ane i'll bingrunnal al over.merica so lo folnw me oap "cobvitainunousrfos derpresiom"nt.c d or on't.ive we l din acyemocra. or supp hted bys.cootelm don't use windexo t make ndowwiots spndless a! cleargo m seefay big eet grddink weg 2 leand how arn seto und wi rex the wayight on s weirdtuff! on not dows win! wh goo's ett ticks? i do!
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atod bhey acs? whneat kpae in? wh satelore w?bo advil liqui-gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stngroer l oronger atwh pain?
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ee[ chndrs ala app]use s >> weth:meelcok baclato "te ni " ght,ybeverody. r ou gnext iuest s an -nemmyatominpoed srts br asoadcwhter sto hohes "t
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ctdireauv's cedienwo netrk. 's heo als oparte f thnfl ornetwexk's ivclusvee co oragef e th n2016cofl sg utinincombe wh ruich hrns t ough uafebr9try 2h. sepleaco welacme b tk tohohe sw ch rien eis. ch [ aeersppnd ae laus] s >> seth:ppo ha hy toyoave u ck ba! t >>s hankhafor mvingcke ba. s >> aeth:t'nd ices niha to ve yo reu heau becouse yle're g avin ghtonir t foanindiisapol? 'm>> ing goiai strayghtw to in apdian.olis et>> sndh: at thaoris f n thefl ou sc ctingneombi. >> l the weastroell-d undet even heon t c nfldaalenesr, y. s >> yeth: seah,plo extoain lepeop m who nightnoot katw wh e thincomb.e is el>> wt'l, ibus a ofnch af drigt-el piblerslaye s whohow i upe n th ohomee f th di inolanapolis cthts, cae lus l oiiustad tm isomhe h ie oft, an eyd th o putrkn woclout s othe
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so memetieys thh pusg.a ba >> h: seth. yea w, nos it'd,weirau bec'vse ie r neve aseentb foogaall heme wre er thvee han bees coneheon t el fid. n >>o. s >> seth:hyo, wth do o ey d ?that o,>> ns it'lyreal. odd munot f ch o rit'sy eall sltranleatab. t bualwe c tl itndhe uarerwe ol csympi. et pructy mh. s >> teth:s hat' tveryrue. >> i anden likbe it e caus it's on m fro a9:00al.m. e l thway ro thtough l theafate ooternn, tisomesemes even, hight aours y. da itand ik's le e th lyuleog, th seca, beituse t juss burnand ke bueps g,rnin y andatou wt ch i r fo odaysd,n en t anddahen ys in t,to i'r younde wog,eriny "wh ham ingummi s themuame ovsic er d an aover?"gain s >> yeth:bees, e causnti wa to sa ry, iy eallk thin sthiss peak t tohihe tthrst heat tri amecan lepeope havanfor ngythido to o >>osh, gesh, y. s >> beth:seecauh witduall e sp re tect,shhis n'ould ot ben [ htlauger ] ithist s nothsomefoing r le teonvisi. t >>ishat m thereost tfspecul d anrei agthe wi. you et>> seah: yuth, bpl peoe ll wi -- lli wie tuni'in, atll wt,ch i ll i' s seepeome irsoner nev
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d an si'll"tay, s hat'oda go ."jump w>> ithant uyat gmy on m. tea et>> s wh: ithant uyat g. i >>w, knot thacaguy n n wia pe suwlr bo m forige, rht. >> h: set m youonentiheed t -y 40daard sh. an aid ag dn, ilio beyoeve u've ou brsoght ntme einerta vmentalue ovto cg erincothe e.mbin ha>> trit's ght. s >> neth:hoow, nyw mars yea in a harow bs iteen? >> s thiy is m y13thofear nn ruthing -ye 40daard yssh melf. s >> yeth:unou r 4 therd0-ya sh da. u yot do itrin scleet s.othe oh s i'm, orrydoyou -- it i >>it do my in k worheclots, wh isich ra a puida st -- [ htlauger ] ithatrfs pey ectlortailored f evthe ent. >> h: set. yep >> i and l runthike nde wi, .seth t ifinhe w pd iscuartiy larl .slow et>> sf h: o 1yourar3 yehis, wch wa urs yote fasst? 5 >>se.98 s.cond s >> aeth:hand wart ye t washat? t >>wahat o s tws yearasago a 45 r--yeamaold n. et>> sowh: way, okat, th's gr eat. [ rschee a anduspplae ] >> nk tha. you alookest thope pele. s >> ieth:nk thit thaksspea lu votomes s the yhapeerou we in as 5- a 3-oyearanld m. es>> y w, itas. >> h: setop as d poseheto t he otr. t>> iotry nre to t flect,on i usbeca'se it v notprery .etty >> h: set y andonou dan't w t to
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o,>> n i buty onl oknowpene sed d anvei ha h thebeeartf at oa am ch.pion , sethereith w youupake h witit t inorhe m oningu r yootdo n. an wad i p ke u iwithert evy.y da bobut lttomisine i nowoi'm dng f ithaor c, ritystfor de. ju ch enildres's rh earcithospal. >> h: setta fan.stic ch [ aeersppnd ae laus] t >> yhankou. an atd whre we'in askopg peo le t i do ts gol.o nfrucom/hrnricun, an lod upouad yni runheng t -y 40daard n sh i wyourork vi enenronm at ine safwofor rk wa y. we 't dont wanodanybtty geing re fi gd orngettit. hur upbut iloadd t anthhit nae dote tt bundon aat don se toudt. je's. >> h: setac we lytuale havto gi ouve yen a st se is look like pwhene eoplhein torir wk ot cltrhes ry to 4un ard0-ya da sh. >> take your mark. li[ t ghuglaerht ] >>es y. la[ htug ]er
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and that was that person. >> h: set, nowouobvi wsly, e're tonot r o fa fawaythrom pee sur bo anwl, knd i hiow t bs toe tr youe, e u arndfrieths wi oo snggp do. y >>es. et>> sndh: ah suc fgooddsrien swith dnoopthogg ouat y h gotim ed cralentires, press ciadentls thfor ste poer supl bows pres erconf.ence el>> wnol, ss op ie-a di hard bafootuyll g. i hetus ac oallyf ne othe pr ine-emyoent fouth llotba hecoac as incameri. i hedis a rde-hael steaner f. et>> s kh: ithnow at. i tknowhat. a >>o,nd ssa he e id hedwant to be t parheof t m nfl, edia part heof tar pap, azzio so tk,spea en whs he' rdonengappi. , soidi sal i'lencred ytialou fo e r thr supe.bowl s >> ieth:nk thi m youa ade t grea, callusbeca're weine gog s toa how fcliprom pe mytonngannire's pss co ennferce. >> . yes et>> sndh: aas he peked tytonhe qu onestier aft g thethame at i k thin t-- i hhinkthe's lye on re erportt thathhad lle ba s to as .k it ur>> a b queningn.stio s >> a beth:ngurniio quest n. le tat's ooke a lk. pey >> ston,ognoop d "g fromthe
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t firs, of alli gecan 50t a % 'mwhen ithe in e statof radocolo? ol>> absy.utel ug[ la ]hter et>> seah: rgolly od. ap [ seplau ] riand awght heay, e letboverydy ow knhe -- e letboverynody kw u yo twereeahe rheson was e.ther >> s it' tnewsyohat n u ca use, t or at leascothe huponn e ca whuse e en h tgoesnvo deer. >> h: set o onee f thr othegsthin ythatetou gdo to un aroe d th pe suwlr boyo is t u geto y >>eah. s >> aeth:ound yin've ietervwed ma a.donn t is i mtruenaadon n wasuservo? i s guesakit menes seose pple ge rvt neous. ad>> m wonnaeras n avous tbouthe pe suwlr bo. sh s e waounervous abe t tht even usbecae e the stag pgetsut to ergethei in might s.nute >> h: setis it zy crase to e ve li. a >>hend te n th wfree orld hewatcs. d ani so, izrealaled h fway ro ththugh tee inw rvie ithat co heuld adlp m connadoalm wn, ic wh, h isknyou a ow, m dreaof mi ne. >> h: sete. sur ug[ la ]hter a >> jnd i lust, "ike,nnmadoa, he e lp m yhelpou. ytever'shingng goibe to e. fin llyou' t gettahe sutge p
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en th e the hventnsapped , an s she'ghbrout t ouheby tuyse gs sedres rd in toman oogasisn th ge hut sorgyof en-ptiainlookg in thg. d anoui thtoght el myswhf, "y ul woybd anbeody vo nerbous aut ?"that y >>eah. >> k younow? et>> shah: tjut's nst al orma ofway ng goiut abong this. y >> keah,ofind . t buwashe rvs neous. mi agck j iger,er intedview him yeone anar, bd he drokeown su boper l wl xeebetwe n th ee st alershend tha sealiwks ke he d was toinghat pr siofeslyonal. s >> reth:y?eall es>> yd , an ithatcof i pluld ay arguitwo, i suuld t ggeswawe sp s.role d ane theranwas r othentmome iwhener intedviewly bill, joe ca beheuse t didathe nl iona emanth. et>> skah: oy. >> t andwahis tes afs r his pres erconf, encerebefoch whiwa he s in n theetfl n gwork rreenoom an e d thcanfl o me tanhim d , saidk,"looly bilen, wh g youo t oue theryofor ur tiquesndon-awe-ansrir pejuod, st u dofas a vor. ouif yas're abked thout nge leth y ofnaour altionhe antonm, d't an tswerquhat onestica, beuse it g's ainamblesg qu."tion
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>> y ther wageowon hg lonthe na altionhe antllm wit. las acin fhit, tars yen whe lady dgagat,id i s she yang,noou kw, an "l td ofrehe fome, h te ofhe e,bravd " an sthen"taid he e"bravin aga. e shledoubve braetd, sh. la [ erught ] >> h: set, now tdoescohat unt? be e caussethe "conde"brav to me e , thonnatintal as hem' over t onirhe fbrst ""ave. b >> aeingl n nfoyempl'mee i tlikenfhe un rozemacavewyn laer en whco it tomes bl gaming. th rme tenfs comeuse . do i unn't taderst.nd i frbut haom wunt i tadersyond, u n' doubt dorale bve. it er nevpe hapn ns ihithe y stor heof ter supl, bowbl doue av bring. a atatny rhee, s i putert ov as seoppo ud to wnderthith ube dole br ave. er th he toreis ponss cncferee, he d, saiun "i tadersi nd, t won' he s getheup tndre ago he es, li wstenhiith ics thw k ne york ce achent, s sayenlistm , i'so ex d citee to b aheree t thr supe bo o wl t tsingathe nl iona ar 2oundut min12es, on secds, 2 teminu4 s, 1ndsecos -- gh riout arhend tikre late th. d anlepeop l are--ike la [ erught ] w ohamilli. et>> sndh: a m letlle te you
1:23 am
r neve tdoneouhe dbrble ave. >> no. yo n'u doubt dorale bve. >> h: set i notw n ne cyorkity. we i get tt onirhe frast bve. >> ht rig. s >> teth: yhankorou fng bei re he. ve hare a gimat t e in anindiisapol. o >>urf cose. ap i iaprechate tt. an thalks p. ee[ chndrs ala app]use et>> snyh: a.time ch rien eisry eve.body r"theeiich shsen aiow" rs we ysekdadi on v'rectdis au ence ornetwk. be e suratto wicch rn h ruthe -y 40daard t sh anfthe mbl coine on da mony. l we'ligbe racht bthk wiic mus fr isom mivterwes. [ rschee a anduspplae ]
1:24 am
itou c oldy nl cbealled, black silk, from folgers. sta tau e yod couly,enjo fr bresh , ewedor cuone ap ate. tim bl siack frlk, olom f.gers re d lobster's lobsterfest is back. c soe omthtry lae t rgesrivayet of ob lersthe disofs ea the y r, llike lobster'soveram dre or new dueling loberstai it's p aty oarevn y plere,at d anu'reyonv so come in w ihilests.t la [a ellarm binl ring g]oh he no, t car! told a ymeboso dyshldoue 'vedwaitn icathe r. it ay sthers s e'k a blac care thres minuteaway! m i't nongtakine oth of ose. atth! one gtheye avorauthieite s th,slip priin aus. w nourthe fot- mosedwant menin or the wre ld aeasturling os. heart is that us? thi k in'sthats! u public support is at a feveritch p. what ta sed artans mate a hurstei is ow n glo aphbal enenomon. on doe aves htoe de won r,w honglo t cans hiaschgoe n? o , looke we'rtrending! t leeeme st. tha e fawe'r!mous to yota. let's go places.
1:25 am
w hou did yot do thadidnyou ev't e en movanyour hd?! ait'sn ll iwrthe istarschw..tzy. ghalrinot, a gtherame. al wexa,tihat s me iit? 's it3p 5:4m. ve i' a gotle tabdi reatng a00 6:... a, halex tow'sffhe traic? fathe rostest 4ute isnute5 mitos ow downt n.can akwe te e thkebi?! mo c'hwarn sctzy! n...jaso i getsin the .de-car ri alght. deeegrot mnsioseens i thed'worl srsfiodt det oranvaactibyted mo ntveme. as you move, fragrance capsules butrs rtoeael eseraxtre fnesh ssall day. motionnsse pe.teron ctioeeto kp moyou .ving deeegriton w't let you down. an c s you lay iitove ? o veh lo it? an c s youeyay h ? ey h ! t hat'e s thitspiroo! oo oh. oh o ooh oo wh h oo w ooooh h s siing bang, abby by vei lo. youesoh y . oh oooh. ooo e lverye ittlg.thin
1:26 am
ll i'prog be inramme.g at g goh iobot a jat too, zies zaz. (fri gendsasp) apthe e p wher youfrput tsuit haim on anals? i tlovehat! gu i'llys, wr be coiting de th elat h mpsneachicos icmmunate. (i ruptnter ing)sti jued zazzi. you ho (pibrane vtes) alookt it! (fri gendsiggle) i docan dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs... you namet. i m i'going to transform the way the d ud(pro ly)ogi pr trammedt.hat ha i and n docaas ca meabnslo. i' blline helprbing tues cipower ties. t a i puinturb ce on aat. ri(fohends o a andhh) i kecan mata hospiunls re morfi eftly.cien..
1:27 am
1:28 am
[ rschee a anduspplae ] s >> weth:a ith -cgoldfiertied de sibut angle cnd acaritilly ac meclaibud alonm, t'sight camusiesl guolts sieidifs em thesselvon as 2e ofs 015' kobreactut as. ck bath to owe shpe to m rforthe n- farifavorate thuck "anrrice," sepleaco welisme mivterwes.
1:29 am
l eseech reyou'ki sucutng o l theife ea crsture ar t e noidafrafi to ght e' wotre nti letoung y l steathall olat musded if o youknnly ew u' yonlre odey madu of st ar we e yonot rour pypert se the wi r ouclown y arit s earedcloss eyeopen ic von'e wo bt benroke n' wonct dae thwi yinr ous wall ou yfi'll snd u nn ru'ring eound tveryown un nichaing l al byours ound ve ee'ryoneds usro a cwd th ngrowir yousword heto tun gro d w de'lliso th o ouraywn w t can'gechan s thetorm hof acaurri ne da we tonce o oureawn bt
1:30 am
we on d c'te ar wifree'nl oy pe sopleinwimm tg ineahe s w de'lliso th owour yn wa n' caant chhege trm sto hof acaurri ne m e adme wcareyohat inu thk only omadeodur bsiies nk ou cn'ldcot inntue pl inaythg gae igme rht ru g nninwith you yisr oukefaig l ht t l el hmeow it g'sd oor fo ausinga ra e isuryoro bw ge lot aud cnddeonensc d s thi nis wotkiorng my un l ags crekihong no on lr geouat yllr ca y l ou'l ufinds running 'round every town unchaining al yol burndou s e ryvee'onuss aedro cwd ro th ywingwoour rds to g thed roun we'll do this our own way ca t n'anch tge shermto of ur a hnerica w nce da oe townur ot bea wo t n'sing to your melody we 't done care'if wnlre oy
1:31 am
w de'lliso th ou owr wan y ca t n'anch tge shermto a ofri hur cane on d g'to gechanr youfold hwhatpeapdne to being bold shaking off at whwe we olre td finot gttin to your mold ll we'th do is owour yn wa t can'gechan s thetorm of h aurricane we are not your property sewie th ou owr cln itar y e s aroscl eeds yeenop ic von'e wo bt benroke t won'edanc
1:32 am
ou yfi'll snd u nnrug inou'r endryveow tn unchaining all your bounds everyone's used a crowd rothngwiou ywor srd to he tro gd un we'll do this our ownay w n'cacht gean the storm of a hurricane wdae e nc oto our bwntea n'wosit tngyoo murodely ye ah e' w dlltho is ou owr wan y ca t n'anch tge shermto aof hurricane
1:33 am
r oun owywa n'cacht geanhe tto srm aofur hcarine [ rschee a anduspplae ] >> h: sette misesrwiver, evy!ybod e thm,albur "ouhoown " use,is ou w!t no h catc othemurn tos thiersumm wi alth we k th!moon
1:34 am
1:35 am
1:36 am
[ rschee a anduspplae ]eechndrs ala app]use ee[ chndrs ala app]use laangese basritt, isch een, mi wister eves,boverydy! al n lisoermilld , anouof c rse, tstay funedcaor " drson"aly. l we'lyosee mou to.rrow
1:37 am
>> so careyn: hat, wh's ha inppeng? m i'oncarsy, dals thilais "st ll cad " ane we'r therehtonig at th yle skinark y newciork ty. we go've grt a sheat ow. it lu incmudes frsic om arhetless bastards and our sp ghotlinit toisght n oe th meco sdyieer"ts ereachs." bu rst fiint thirgs f, st malcolm-jamawal 'srnere herto atalk hboutolis r te inhe hi aghlyipntic sateds,eriee "th pe vople.js. omp. si son: am anericme criry stot'" le s go to do bar ht inwoollyowod n for .more >> s it'y crazearecr ttingowhe l ee spasd chf e, iwiyou ll. be e causi remember being at home wa ngtchion it ev teln.isio u yo, know ffastrdorwaye 21 ars r,lateua actinlly t thak truc cr rengeati s the wceneeras vy


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